Monday, January 14, 2008 - Snowboard Seattle is a cool online community of local Washington residents that I joined quite a while ago, and its always interesting to post on there and see the responses you get from other members. Theres a hardcore Alpental/Hyak Snoqualmie thing going on, with most of the members seeeming to be loyal to that network of mountains. It has some other interesting chats about ridesharing on the way to the mountain and snow reports. I like the simplicity of simply trying to serve the chatting needs of Washington locals about various subjects, stupid, funny, snow-related and not.

Monday, January 14, 2008 - Snowboard Seattle is a cool online community of local Washington residents that I joined quite a while ago, and its always interesting to post on there and see the responses you get from other members. Theres a hardcore Alpental/Hyak Snoqualmie thing going on, with most of the members seeeming to be loyal to that network of mountains. It has some other interesting chats about ridesharing on the way to the mountain and snow reports. I like the simplicity of simply trying to serve the chatting needs of Washington locals about various subjects, stupid, funny, snow-related and not.