Friday, February 15, 2008

Holy Oly Revival Quarterpipe Contest 08 at Hyak

The Holy Oly Revival turns 5…everyone is going bananas!

The Summit at Snoqualmie, Lib Technologies and Snowboy Productions are quite pleased to once again bring you what Snowboarder Magazine’s Pat “the eYe” Bridges called “the epitome of what snowboarding events should be”…The Holy Oly Revival on February 23 at Summit East.

Beneath the shadow of a 40’ beer can that started it all resides all the fixings…one giant hand-shaped quarterpipe next to a sweet jib line that’s next to a Cobra Dog stand that’s next to a crowd of snowboarding pros, groms, legends, up-and-comers, creepy lurkers, skunkape riders and the occasional skier. Powder lines will be ripped, Thin Lizzy and Dio will be blasted to the heavens, Red Bulls will be gulped and the judging will remain suspect as always at this fine anti-contest that is, and always will be, simply “a celebration of NW snowboard pride.”

Cold Oly’s being saved for all who make it possible: Lib Technologies, Cobra Dogs, Red Bull, Snowboy Productions, Peter Line, Joey McGuire, Jamie Lynn, Jesse Burtner and Shanna Duncan’s amazing artwork.

Archive Holy Oly Video:

Grab the Sharpie marker and write it on your arm…Holy Oly Revival…Feb 23…Summit at Snoqualmie…word.

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Friday, February 15, 2008

Holy Oly Revival Quarterpipe Contest 08 at Hyak

The Holy Oly Revival turns 5…everyone is going bananas!

The Summit at Snoqualmie, Lib Technologies and Snowboy Productions are quite pleased to once again bring you what Snowboarder Magazine’s Pat “the eYe” Bridges called “the epitome of what snowboarding events should be”…The Holy Oly Revival on February 23 at Summit East.

Beneath the shadow of a 40’ beer can that started it all resides all the fixings…one giant hand-shaped quarterpipe next to a sweet jib line that’s next to a Cobra Dog stand that’s next to a crowd of snowboarding pros, groms, legends, up-and-comers, creepy lurkers, skunkape riders and the occasional skier. Powder lines will be ripped, Thin Lizzy and Dio will be blasted to the heavens, Red Bulls will be gulped and the judging will remain suspect as always at this fine anti-contest that is, and always will be, simply “a celebration of NW snowboard pride.”

Cold Oly’s being saved for all who make it possible: Lib Technologies, Cobra Dogs, Red Bull, Snowboy Productions, Peter Line, Joey McGuire, Jamie Lynn, Jesse Burtner and Shanna Duncan’s amazing artwork.

Archive Holy Oly Video:

Grab the Sharpie marker and write it on your arm…Holy Oly Revival…Feb 23…Summit at Snoqualmie…word.

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